My Nevada Tax FAQs
Table of Contents
Will my logon credentials from the Nevada Tax Center work to log into My Nevada Tax?
No, that login information did not transfer into My Nevada Tax. You will need to sign up for a new account (or profile) by clicking “Sign Up” at You may reuse the username and password that you had in the Nevada Tax Center.
What information do I need to create my account?
To create the account, it will prompt you to fill in the online application. We have noted some frequently asked questions on the registration process.
- This is the individual name of the person requesting access/responsible party.
- Create a username. This can be the same as what was created on The Nevada Tax Center. You may also use your email address as a username.
- Enter your email address. A verification code will be sent to the provided email address. If you do not receive the verification code right away, check your spam/junk folder.
- Create a password. The password must meet the following criteria:
- Minimum of 8 characters
- Password must contain both letters and numbers
- Password must contain both uppercase and lowercase letters
- Password must contain special characters
- Confirm the password.
- Enter your country by selecting the drop down.
- Select your phone number type: business phone, cell phone, or home phone. Then enter your phone number.
- Select “Next”.
- Create a minimum of one security question.
- You will be prompted to set up Two-step verification. It is used to better protect your My Nevada Tax profile. Once we have this setup, you’ll be asked to provide a unique security code to verify your identity each time you log in.
What is an Account ID?
As a part of our new E-service launch a new Account ID has been issued for Sales and Use, Consumer Use, Cigarette & Other Tobacco Products, Liquor and Live Entertainment Tax accounts. If you do not have your Account ID and are requesting access on the My Nevada Tax E-service portal, you can change the verification type to “Legacy Taxpayer ID” (TID). Once logged in you will be able to obtain your new Account ID.
What is the Legacy Taxpayer ID Number?
This is referring to your Nevada taxpayer identification number (TID) that was issued prior to the launch of our new system. The Department of Taxation now uses Account IDs to identify your business accounts. Support for Taxpayer IDs (TID) will only be available for a limited amount of time.
Why did I not receive my verification code?
Often the email may go to your junk or spam folder. If you did not receive the email, try the resend function.
I created a profile with My Nevada Tax. How do I request access to my tax account?
Now that the profile is created, you will need to link your existing tax account.
- Select “I Want To…”
- “Request Access to an Account”
- You will need some or all of the following information about the business that your requesting access for:
- Business Type
- Business Name
- Federal ID Number (SSN, FEIN, ITIN)
- Account Type and your new account ID or your legacy Taxpayer ID (TID)
You may also need to provide proof that you are authorized to gain access to the requested business. This can be done by providing one of the following:
- Providing your Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) if you are an owner of the business
- Providing a My Nevada Tax Access Code that has been mailed to the business
- Providing the total tax due listed on a return for the account not including any penalty, interest, collection allowance, or other tax discounts. Based on the filing frequency, you can provide any amount due for a return for:
- Monthly – Last three months
- Quarterly – Last nine months
- Annual – Last three years
- The most recent payment for the following account types(amounts must be greater than $0.00 – if there is no payment history on the account you will not be granted access and a Nevada Tax Access Code will be sent to the business.) :
- Sales & Use Tax
- Consumer Use Tax
- Cigarette & Other Tobacco Products (OTP) Tax
- Liquor Tax
- Live Entertainment Tax (LET)
- Real Property Transfer Tax (RPTT)
In the “Your Information” section, you will have to enter the first and last name of someone listed as an authorized individual on the account and choose “yes”. If any of the information provided does not match our records, access will not be granted.
What if I am not a business owner, officer, or responsible party for the business?
You may request access to the account. Additional validation will be required to grant access such as providing one of the following:
- Amount Due on Return
- Payment Amount
Note* If there is no financial history on the account (ex. Zero tax due return filed) this will not grant access, and a Nevada Tax Access Code will need to be requested or request access from an authorized user on the account.
If you are not able to provide the information or if the information does not match our records, please have an authorized user contact the department to update our records. We will also send a letter with a My Nevada Tax Access Code to the business that they can provide you with to gain access.
Why is My Nevada Tax Access Code not working?
The department reviews requests for accounts. To ensure the security of the account we may deny the request internally if the requestor is not a listed authorized user on the account. Please contact an authorized user to update the records or grant access.
Note: FAQs are for general guidance only. For written advice as it relates to your business, request an advisory opinion from the Department.
More Information
- Appeals FAQs
- Audits FAQs
- Bank Branch Excise Tax FAQs
- Cannabis Establishment Tax FAQs
- Cigarette & Other Tobacco Products (OTP) FAQs
- Commerce Tax FAQs
- Consumer Use Tax FAQs
- Estate Tax FAQs
- Exhibition Facilities Fee FAQs
- Gold & Silver Excise Tax FAQs
- Hearings FAQs
- Insurance Premium Tax FAQs
- Liens FAQs
- Liquor Tax FAQs
- Live Entertainment Tax FAQs
- Locally Assessed Property Tax FAQs
- Marketplace Facilitator/Seller FAQs
- Modified Business Tax (MBT) FAQs
- Nevada National Guard Tax Holiday FAQs
- Nevada Tax FAQs
- Off Highway Vehicles & Fuel Tax FAQs
- Peer-to-Peer FAQs
- Real Property Transfer Tax FAQs
- Sales Tax FAQs
- Scam Notice for Taxpayers
- Secure Email FAQs
- Short Term Lessor Fee FAQs
- Tax Credits FAQs
- Tobacco Products – 2024 Updated FAQs
- Transportation Connection Tax (TCT) FAQs
- US Dept of State Tax Exemption Card
- Veterans’ Tax Exemptions FAQs