Income Tax in Nevada

Tax Information for Nevada

The Department receives an enormous number of questions regarding issues relating to Federal Income tax.

Key Points:

  • No State Income Tax on Individuals: Nevada residents do not pay state tax on income earned from salaries, wages, or similar compensation.
  • Other Taxes: While Nevada does not have an individual income tax, it does levy other types of taxes, such as sales tax and property tax.
  • Business Taxes: Nevada does have a Commerce Tax for businesses whose gross revenue exceeds $4 million in a fiscal year. However, smaller businesses below this threshold are not subject to this tax.

The Department receives an enormous number of questions regarding issues relating to Federal Income tax.

  • The State of Nevada does not impose a state income tax on individuals or participate in the administration of Federal Income Tax.
  • This means that if you live and work in Nevada, you do not need to file a state income tax return based on your earned income, such as wages or salaries.
  • The Department of Taxation does not require informational copies of Nevada residents’ Federal Income Tax forms. Federal Income Tax inquiries should be directed to the official IRS website.

Please contact the Nevada Secretary of State for information on incorporating in Nevada, or alternatively, go to SilverFlume.

The minimum wage is set by the US Department of Labor, Employment Standards Administration. Please refer to the State of Nevada Labor Commission.

The Department of Taxation does not handle unemployment compensation issues. For information regarding unemployment compensation you will need to contact the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR).

To report non-registered businesses that are active in Nevada, please contact the Department Taxation at (866) 962-3707 or by calling one of our local offices. You can remain anonymous when reporting a non-registrant.

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