Local Government Services (LGS) Publications
Table of Contents
Abatements and Exemptions
Consumer Price Index (CPI) Adjustment for Exemptions
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2025-2026
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2024-2025
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2023-2024
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2022-2023
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2021-2022
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2020-2021
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2019-2020
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2018-2019
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2017-2018
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2016-2017
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2015-2016
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2014-2015
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2013-2014
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2012-2013
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2011-2012
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2010-2011
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2009-2010
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2007-2008
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2008-2009
- CPI Adjustment for Exemptions FY 2007-2008
Cost of Collection Report - Exemption of Personal Property Tax Bills
Approval of Exemptions, as authorized under NRS 361.038(2) where Administrative Costs Exceed Revenue from Tax on Personal Property for Application next Fiscal Year:
Fair Market Rents for Rental Abatement
Published tables of fair market rents to be used in determining whether rental properties are eligible for the 3% abatement pursuant to NRS 361.4724. NRS 361.4724 requires a comparison of the rents collected from a rental property to the fair market rent for the county in which the dwelling is located, as most recently published by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
- Fair Market Rents FY 2024-2025
- Fair Market Rents FY 2023-2024
- Fair Market Rents FY 2022-2023
- Fair Market Rents FY 2021-2022
- Fair Market Rents FY 2020-2021
- Fair Market Rents FY 2019-2020
- Fair Market Rents FY 2018-2019
- Fair Market Rents FY 2017-2018
- Fair Market Rents FY 2016-2017
- Fair Market Rents FY 2015-2016
- Fair Market Rents FY 2014-2015
- Fair Market Rents FY 2013-2014
- Fair Market Rents FY 2012-2013
- Fair Market Rents FY 2011-2012
- Fair Market Rents FY 2010-2011
- Fair Market Rents FY 2009-2010
- Fair Market Rents FY 2008-2009
General Abatement Factors (Tax Cap)
The Department of Taxation has published the preliminary general tax cap table for use by county officials to forecast the amount of property taxes that must be abated in each county. The tax cap provides property owners relief from rising property values by capping the amount of property taxes which can be assessed.
- Tax Cap Explanation
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2025-2026 Preliminary
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2025-2026 Final
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2024-2025 Preliminary
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2024-2025 Final
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2023-2024 Preliminary
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2023-2024 Final
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2022-2023 Preliminary
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2022-2023 Final
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2021-2022 Preliminary
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2021-2022 Final
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2020-2021 Preliminary
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2020-2021 Final
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2019-2020 Preliminary
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2019-2020 Final
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2018-2019 Preliminary
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2018-2019 Final
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2017-2018 Preliminary
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2017-2018 Final
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2016-2017 Preliminary
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2016-2017 Final
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2015-2016 Final
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2014-2015 Final
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2013-2014 Final
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2012-2013 Final
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2011-2012 Final
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2010-2011 Final
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2009-2010 Final
- Tax Cap Factors FY 2008-2009 Final
Top Ten Highest Assessed Value Taxpayers
Top Ten Highest Assessed Value Taxpayers
- Top Ten Highest Assessed Values Taxpayers FY 2024-2025
- Top Ten Highest Assessed Values Taxpayers FY 2023-2024
- Top Ten Highest Assessed Values Taxpayers FY 2022-2023
- Top Ten Highest Assessed Values Taxpayers FY 2021-2022
- Top Ten Highest Assessed Values Taxpayers FY 2020-2021
- Top Ten Highest Assessed Values Taxpayers FY 2019-2020
- Top Ten Highest Assessed Values Taxpayers FY 2018-2019
- Top Ten Highest Assessed Values Taxpayers FY 2017-2018
- Top Ten Highest Assessed Values Taxpayers FY 2016-2017
- Top Ten Highest Assessed Values Taxpayers FY 2015-2016
- Top Ten Highest Assessed Values Taxpayers FY 2014-2015
- Top Ten Highest Assessed Values Taxpayers FY 2013-2014
- Top Ten Highest Assessed Values Taxpayers FY 2011-2012
- Top Ten Highest Assessed Values Taxpayers FY 2008-2009
- Top Ten Highest Assessed Values Taxpayers FY 2007-2008
- Top Ten Highest Assessed Values Taxpayers FY 2006-2007
- Top Ten Highest Assessed Values Taxpayers FY 2005-2006
- Top Ten Highest Assessed Values Taxpayers FY 2004-2005
Nevada Property Tax
Performance Audit
Property Tax – Centrally Assessed
Secured Property Tax Roll
- Secured Roll Bulletin FY 2024-2025 #208
- Secured Roll Bulletin FY 2023-2024 #207
- Secured Roll Bulletin FY 2022-2023 #206
- Secured Roll Bulletin FY 2021-2022 #205
- Secured Roll Bulletin FY 2020-2021 #204
- Secured Roll Bulletin FY 2019-2020 #203
- Secured Roll Bulletin FY 2018-2019 #202
- Secured Roll Bulletin FY 2017-2018 #201
- Secured Roll Bulletin FY 2016-2017 #200
- Secured Roll Bulletin FY 2015-2016 #199
- Secured Roll Bulletin FY 2014-2015 #198
- Secured Roll Bulletin FY 2013-2014 #197
- Secured Roll Bulletin FY 2012-2013 #196
- Secured Roll Bulletin FY 2011-2012 #195
- Secured Roll Bulletin FY 2010-2011 #194
- Secured Roll Bulletin FY 2009-2010 #193
- Secured Roll Bulletin FY 2008-2009 #192
Unsecured Property Tax Roll
- Unsecured Roll Bulletin FY 2023-2024 #207A
- Unsecured Roll Bulletin FY 2022-2023 #206A
- Unsecured Roll Bulletin FY 2019-2020 #203A
- Unsecured Roll Bulletin FY 2020-2021 #204A
- Unsecured Roll Bulletin FY 2021-2022 #205A
- Unsecured Roll Bulletin FY 2018-2019 #202A
- Unsecured Roll Bulletin FY 2017-2018 #201A
- Unsecured Roll Bulletin FY 2016-2017 #200A
- Unsecured Roll Bulletin FY 2015-2016 #199A
- Unsecured Roll Bulletin FY 2014-2015 #198A
- Unsecured Roll Bulletin FY 2013-2014 #197A
- Unsecured Roll Bulletin FY 2012-2013 #196A
- Unsecured Roll Bulletin FY 2011-2012 #195A
- Unsecured Roll Bulletin FY 2010-2011 #194A
- Unsecured Roll Bulletin FY 2009-2010 #193A
- Unsecured Roll Bulletin FY 2008-2009 #192A
- Unsecured Roll Bulletin FY 2007-2008 #191A
Property Tax – Locally Assessed
Agricultural Bulletin
- Ag Bulletin FY 2025-2026 #214
- Ag Bulletin FY 2024-2025 #213
- Ag Bulletin FY 2023-2024 #212
- Ag Bulletin FY 2022-2023 #211
- Ag Bulletin FY 2021-2022 #210
- Ag Bulletin FY 2020-2021 #209
- Ag Bulletin FY 2019-2020 #208
- Ag Bulletin FY 2018-2019 #207
- Ag Bulletin FY 2017-2018 #206
- Ag Bulletin FY 2016-2017 #205
- Ag Bulletin FY 2015-2016 #204
- Ag Bulletin FY 2014-2015 #203
- Ag Bulletin FY 2013-2014 #202
- Ag Bulletin FY 2012-2013 #201
- Ag Bulletin FY 2011-2012 #200
- Ag Bulletin FY 2010-2011 #199
- Ag Bulletin FY 2009-2010 #198
- Ag Bulletin FY 2008-2009 #197
- Ag Bulletin FY 2007-2008 #196
- Ag Bulletin FY 2006-2007 #195
- Ag Bulletin FY 2005-2006 #194
- Ag Bulletin FY 2004-2005 #193
Golf Course Tables
- Golf Course Cost Tables FY 2025-2026
- Golf Course Cost Tables FY 2024-2025
- Golf Course Cost Tables FY 2023-2024
- Golf Course Cost Tables FY 2022-2023
- Golf Course Cost Tables FY 2021-2022
- Golf Course Cost Tables FY 2020-2021
- Golf Course Cost Tables FY 2019-2020
- Golf Course Cost Tables FY 2018-2019
- Golf Course Cost Tables FY 2017-2018
- Golf Course Cost Tables FY 2016-2017
- Golf Course Cost Tables FY 2015-2016
- Golf Course Cost Tables FY 2014-2015
- Golf Course Cost Tables FY 2013-2014
- Golf Course Cost Tables FY 2012-2013
- Golf Course Cost Tables FY 2011-2012
- Golf Course Cost Tables FY 2010-2011
Land Use Code Manual
- Land Use Code Manual FY 2025-2026
- Land Use Code Manual FY 2024-2025
- Land Use Code Manual FY 2019-2020
- Land Use Code Manual FY 2020-2021
- Land Use Code Manual FY 2021-2022
- Land Use Code Manual FY 2022-2023
- Land Use Code Manual FY 2023-2024
- Land Use Code Manual FY 2018-2019
- Land Use Code Manual FY 2017-2018
- Land Use Code Manual FY 2016-2017
- Land Use Code Manual FY 2015-2016
Improvement Factors
- Improvement Factors FY 2025-2026
- Improvement Factors FY 2024-2025
- Improvement Factors FY 2023-2024
- Improvement Factors FY 2022-2023
- Improvement Factors FY 2021-2022
- Improvement Factors FY 2020-2021
- Improvement Factors FY 2019-2020
- Improvement Factors FY 2018-2019
- Improvement Factors FY 2017-2018
- Improvement Factors FY 2016-2017
- Improvement Factors FY 2015-2016
- Improvement Factors FY 2014-2015
- Improvement Factors FY 2013-2014
- Improvement Factors FY 2012-2013
- Improvement Factors FY 2011-2012
- Improvement Factors FY 2010-2011
- Improvement Factors FY 2009-2010
- Improvement Factors FY 2008-2009
- Improvement Factors FY 2007-2008
- Improvement Factors FY 2006-2007
- Improvement Factors FY 2005-2006
Personal Property Manual
The schedules presented herein are interpretive guidelines for use by county assessors to establish taxable value, pursuant to the requirements of NRS 361.227(4) and NAC 361.1365 and 361.1375.
- Personal Property Manual FY 2025-2026
- Personal Property Manual FY 2024-2025
- Personal Property Manual FY 2023-2024
- Personal Property Manual FY 2022-2023
- Personal Property Manual FY 2021-2022
- Personal Property Manual FY 2020-2021
- Personal Property Manual FY 2019-2020
- Personal Property Manual FY 2018-2019
- Personal Property Manual FY 2017-2018
- Personal Property Manual FY 2016-2017
- Personal Property Manual FY 2015-2016
- Personal Property Manual FY 2014-2015
- Personal Property Manual FY 2013-2014
- Personal Property Manual FY 2012-2013
- Personal Property Manual FY 2011-2012
- Personal Property Manual FY 2010-2011
- Personal Property Manual FY 2009-2010
- Personal Property Manual FY 2008-2009
- Personal Property Manual FY 2007-2008
- Personal Property Manual FY 2006-2007
- Personal Property Manual FY 2005-2006
- Personal Property Manual FY 2004-2005
Assessment Ratio Studies
NRS 361.333 requires the Department to determine the ratio of the assessed value of each type or class of property, for which the county assessor has the responsibility of assessing in each county, to the taxable value of that property as determined by the Department through appraisals of individual parcels. The ratio is in compliance with statute if the ratio of assessed value to taxable value is more than 32 percent or less than 36 percent.
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2024-2025
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2023-2024
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2022-2023
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2021-2022
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2020-2021
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2019-2020
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2018-2019
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2017-2018
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2016-2017
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2015-2016
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2014-2015
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2013-2014
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2012-2013
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2011-2012
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2010-2011
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2009-2010
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2008-2009
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2007-2008
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2006-2007
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2005-2006
- Assessment Ratio Study FY 2004-2005
Rural Building Cost Manual
The Rural Building Costs Manual is intended to be an assessment tool to standardize and streamline improvement valuations for the types of properties identified in three sections of the manual.
- Rural Building Manual FY 2025-2026
- Rural Building Manual FY 2024-2025_
- Rural Building Manual FY 2023-2024
- Rural Building Manual FY 2022-2023
- Rural Building Manual FY 2021-2022
- Rural Building Manual FY 2020-2021
- Rural Building Manual FY 2019-2020
- Rural Building Manual FY 2018-2019
- Rural Building Manual FY 2017-2018
- Rural Building Manual FY 2016-2017
- Rural Building Manual FY 2015-2016
- Rural Building Manual FY 2014-2015
- Rural Building Manual FY 2013-2014
- Rural Building Manual FY 2012-2013
- Rural Building Manual FY 2011-2012
- Rural Building Manual FY 2010-2011
- Rural Building Manual FY 2009-2010
- Rural Building Manual FY 2008-2009
- Rural Building Manual FY 2007-2008
- Rural Building Manual FY 2006-2007
Property Tax – General
Statistical Analysis of the Roll (SAR)
The Statistical Analysis of the Roll, compiled by the Division of Excise & Local Government Services, lists the statistics pertaining to each county's reported assessment activity. It contains the total assessed values for all categories of property, the number of parcels or assessments, the number and value of exemptions, and the acreage in each real property category.
- SAR FY 2023-2024
- SAR FY 2022-2023
- SAR FY 2021-2022
- SAR FY 2020-2021
- SAR FY 2019-2020
- SAR FY 2018-2019
- SAR FY 2017-2018
- SAR FY 2016-2017
- SAR FY 2015-2016
- SAR FY 2014-2015
- SAR FY 2013-2014
- SAR FY 2012-2013
- SAR FY 2011-2012
- SAR FY 2010-2011
- SAR FY 2009-2010
- SAR FY 2008-2009
- SAR FY 2007-2008
- SAR FY 2006-2007
- SAR FY 2005-2006
- SAR FY 2004-2005
Other Publications
Guidance Letters
- Guidance Letter 22-001 supersedes 13-001
Requirements for Property Tax Appraiser Certification and Continuing Education
- Guidance Letter 19-004 supersedes 15-001 and 11-001
Treatment of Underground Water Basin Assessments and Billing for Special Assessment Using an Allocation Factor Method - Guidance Letter 19-003
Guidance on NRS 354.624 Submittal of Audits, NRS 354.626 Unlawful Expenditures, and NAC 354.410 Available Resources - Guidance Letter 19-002
Percentage of Budgeted Ending Fund Balance of Local Governments Not Subject to Negotiations - Guidance Letter 19-001
School District Percentage of EFB not Subject to Negotiations
- Guidance Letter 16-007
Assessment of Unregistered Vehicles for Property Tax - Guidance Letter 16-006
Determination of Veterans Eligibility for Exemption from Property Tax - Guidance Letter 16-005 supersedes 10-005
Assessor's Sales File Report to the Department - Guidance Letter 16-004
Standards on Lease Accounting and Reporting Requirements for Installment-Purchase Agreements - Guidance Letter 16-003
Tax Expenditures Reporting Per NRS 360.137, AB 466 - 2013 Session - Guidance Letter 16-002
Reporting Veterans Exemptions Per AB 62 - 2015 Session
- Guidance Letter 15-002
Nature and Uses of Special Revenue Funds and Enterprise Funds
- Guidance Letter 14-001
Taxability of real property located on Indian trust lands
- Guidance Letter 13-004
Distribution of Property Taxes Received from Renewable Energy Properties Receiving an Abatement Pursuant to NRS 701A.385 - Guidance Letter 13-003
Publishing Local Government's Financial Statements Online - Guidance Letter 13-002
Including Values of Exempt Property Transfers in Real Property Transfer Tax Reporting - Guidance Letter 13-001
Requirements for Property Tax Appraiser Certification and Continuing Education
- Guidance Letter 12-001
Application of Exemption for Heating and Cooling Systems under NRS 701A.200
- Guidance Letter 11-002 amendment to 10-004
Clarification of NAC 361.85 (Storage Shed) for Property Tax Exemption Purposes
- Guidance Letter 10-003
Application of Marshall and Swift Seismic and Wind Cost Adjustments - Guidance Letter 10-002
Application of Cost Multipliers for Exceptional Homes in the Absence of Updated Marshall and Swift Exceptional Homes Cost Guide - Guidance Letter 10-001
Collection of Data Related to Cost of Replacement of Wells
- Guidance Letter 09-001
Meaning and application of Nominal Consideration - NRS 375.010(1)(e)(2)